Request an ARC
Thanks for your interest in becoming an advance reader / reviewer. We really value the opinion of readers. We love what we do and want to make the best we can – but we can’t do that without YOU the reader.
Please fill out the application form below in order to be considered to receive free copies of our books.
We’ll add you to our carefully curated mailing list as well so that we can contact you about any new books which might interest you before they come out – we only publish a handful of books a year, so don’t expect to be spammed! That said, you can unsubscribe at any point and we’ll delete all your information immediately and automatically.
So that we can get free books out to the kind of people that would really enjoy them, there’s a few stipulations:
- You should be able to receive the book in eBook format through your Kindle Account. (more here)
- Audiobook review copies will be distributed as a one-time link for redemption on Audible.
- You agree to allow us to email you about other suitable ARC opportunities when they come up. You can email to ask us to stop at any time though.
- Please: Only request books that you will read, and if you can spare a couple of minutes afterwards for a properly written and constructive review. Feel free to branch out and try something new if you like though!
- We reserve the right to decline frivolous requests or for any other reason without explanation. (It might just be that we’ve sent out all we want to for now, so hang tight, we’ll get to you).
- We don’t pay for reviews – that’s a little dishonest in our opinion.
We can’t send copies of books out to everyone I’m afraid, but you can hugely increase your chances if you:
- Have already left well written reviews of other books in suitable genres. You can use the space below to include links to some if you like.
- You are an active book blogger/vlogger. You don’t need a HUGE following and we’d love to help smaller contributors grow. Drop a link to your channel / profile in the space below.
Here’s a list of what we’d like to be reviewed or have coming up soon. Though we’re still happy for people to review titles that are already published.
LATEST: “The Calico Golem” Darian Hart’s latest paranormal romance mixes LGBT, gender ambiguity and a good, solid urban magical adventure.

Kindle email? What’s the deal?
We want you to enjoy the book in the same way that the final readers will, so we send our ARC copies out directly to your Kindle device or app for you to read. It saves you the trouble of having to copy the file and provides us with some copy protection as well.
You can have us send your ARC to a physical Kindle device, or to a Kindle app that you’ve downloaded (eg, on your phone). Each device or installation will have a different email address that Kindle provide for you, so it’s important to give us the correct one. Your normal email address, even if it’s the one your Amazon account is registered with WILL NOT WORK.
You also need to add us to the approved list of senders on your account or the book won’t get through to you. It’s a small extra step to go through but it DOES protect you from getting spammed with random files.
Here’s how to find your Kindle email address
- Go to your Amazon account where your Kindle or APP is registered.
- Click on “Manage your Content and Devices”
- Click on the preferences tab
- Scroll to “Personal Document Settings” and click on the orange heading to open the section.
- Find your Kindle email address under “Send to Kindle Email settings. This is the email to add to the form above. It’ll be something like
- There will be an email address for each device you have registered. Choose the one that matches the device you want to receive the eBook on.
Add us to your approved personal document list
We CANNOT send you an eBook unless you have approved us to send it. Kindle will just block it and you won’t get anything from us.
- Scroll down a little more to “Approved Personal Document email list”.
- Click on “add a new approved email address” and add (dont write to us on that address, nobody’s listening there).
You’re all set!
Here’s a useful video explaining how to find your Kindle email address and add an approved sender… though don’t add Bethany’s email address! 🙂